Jasmine Sambac India Jasminum sambac

  • Description

    Jasmine Sambac

  • Product Details

    • Botanical name: Jasminum sambac
    • Origin: India
    • Crop Season: March - October
  • Latest Market Information July 10, 2023

    The global jasmine extract market is experiencing a significant growth, driven by increasing demand from the personal care, cosmetics, and food & beverage industries. Jasmine extract has always been a key ingredient for the fine fragrance industry. However in recent times it is also gaining popularity as a natural flavouring agent in various food and beverage products, including tea, coffee, and desserts.

    One of the prominent regions contributing to the market growth is south India, particularly known for its Madurai jasmine sambac. Lower-quality flowers from the final harvest are used for processing. Many processing companies are located in the Dindigul district, 30 km from Madurai. Jasmine flowers are processed to extract oils for perfume production. The recent jasmine harvest provided a low yield so prices of jasmine oil may increase.

    Market prices USD 4400.00 /kilo
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