• Product Image
    Syzygium aromaticum

Clove Bud Oil Sri Lanka Eugenia caryophyllata

  • Description

    Syzygium aromaticum

  • Product Details

    • Botanical name: Eugenia caryophyllata
    • Origin: Sri Lanka
    • Crop Season: January - February
  • Latest Market Information April 30, 2024

    Regarding clove and clove bud as raw materials, there has been a notable uptick in demand, not just in Sri Lanka, but also in other producing regions. Additionally, the recent crop in Sri Lanka (December, January) yielded limited availability. Consequently, prices have remained firm.

    Furthermore, the local currency has been strengthening over the past few months, which
    has contributed to export prices remaining steady.

    Market prices : USD 92.00 /kilo
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