Oregano Oil Turkey Origanum vulgare

  • Description

    The genus Origanum L. is represented in Turkey by 22 species. Turkish Oregano products are highly valued due to its high quality and Turkey is a major supplier of Oregano to the world market. The essential oil of origanum is rich with essential nutrients and presence of carvacrol.

  • Product Details

    • Botanical name: Origanum vulgare
    • Origin: Turkey
    • Crop Season: July - September
    • Plant/part used: Leaves
    • Method of extraction: Steam disillation
    • EINECS CAS: 8007-11-2
    • Appearance: Viscous pale yellow liquid
    • Organoleptic Properties: Fresh, herbaceous, terpenic
  • Latest Market Information July 10, 2023

    If favourable weather holds, the upcoming harvest volumes are expected to be in the range of 20,000 to 25,000 metric tonnes. Raw material carried forward from 2022 to 2023 is between 5,000 to 8,000 MT. Out of the 30,000 MT of raw material expected to hit the market, 55% will be pure oregano.

    Market prices USD 69.00 /kilo
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