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...much simpler affair but very interesting nevertheless. Some 80% of cistus derivatives come from Spain and Andevalo is the dominant producing region. The hotter the weather, the more gum the cistus plant produces to protect it from the sun, thus the yield of g

Vegetable Oils-The Many FactsMay 11, 2020

Many vegetable oils have variables from nutritional facts, to benefits, to temperature durability, and uses. Let’s break this down for you. Essential oils, carrier oils, vegetable oils, nut oils, oils for skin, oils for hair…the list goes on. The shelves overflowing with an incredible, mind-boggling array ...

The Scent Of HopeOctober 07, 2021

...came to life. Another leaned back, closed her eyes, and smiled. She didn’t want to leave. EB: What brought you to this line of work? MM: I started out life as a drawing and painting major, aiming towards a career as a fine artist. After college, I began working in graphic arts and segued into media and ...


...why it’s carrying weight with consumers and what it could mean for the industry. Adina Grigore, founder of skincare brand S.W. Basics, commented that “the idea behind functional fragrance is that it’s actually doing something to help you” whilst journalcombined efforts with USDA can soon help to save billions of dollars of citrus industry,” stated Veenu Aishwarya founder and CEO of AUM LifeTech. “Importantly, although A

Bulgarian Study Tour 2017July 25, 2017

...distillery. The processes were similar as was the quality, but the investment in infrastructure and holding capacity varied. Besides rose and lavender the company also produces several other essential oils In the evening we were entertained by the lady Mayor of Kazanlak at the Musedownloading technical documentation and seeing the latest market ...

Terms and Conditions

ULTRA INTERNATIONAL GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please ensure you download the correct document. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Click the PDF image below to view/download the T&Cs       TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE Click the PDF image below to ...

Moldovan Essential OilsSeptember 27, 2022 Moldova but offers good opportunities for investors, although foreigners are not permitted to directly own land. The country has favourable conditions for agricultural production including favourable soil resources. Some 75% of the land is fertile black soil (called “chernozem” – one of the most fertile in the world) ideal for growing a wide ...