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IFEAT Founder’s AwardOctober 11, 2016

...To name a few: Millie & Ron Neal, Joanne & Richard Pisano Sr., Murray Pearce, Yani & Dieter Protzen, Dr. W.S. Brud, Takio Yamada, Winnie Young, Maureen & Robert Leggett, Vittorio Misitano, Rolf Wursten, Dr. Giovanelli, Steve Manheimer, Mike Boudjouk, Jose Adrian, Dr. Gerberding, Peter Van Berge, Dr. ...

The Essential Christmas EssencesDecember 14, 2018

...a disinfectant, a few drops in your diffuser are a godsend for frazzled nerves during the hectic bustle of the holidays. The Relaxing Resins Myrrh and frankincense essential oils are both obtained from the plant family known as Burseraceae. They are types of oleoresins, gum-like substances that are harvested after ...

Global Lemon Oil Update Summer 2017August 03, 2017

There’s a lot of information to process at the moment when it comes to the global lemon market. Argentina’s performance is usually key to how the oil markets balance, so when it sneezes everyone else catches a cold. There have been problems in South Africa and Italy but Spain has recorded a good season but ...

Lavender Oil | Lavandin OilFebruary 24, 2015

...was Abrialis but this has evolved over time with ‘Grosso’ now being the dominant type with over 1,000 MT being produced in France alone each year. The lavandin plant is a more robust hybrid and grows well at lower altitudes meaning larger plantations on a more commercial scale can be managed successfully. ...

The Unexplored Might of MintJanuary 09, 2022

Every toddler-parent faces it. It’s something that we all have done secretly at some point. It’s what we sometimes as adults do too – licking toothpaste off our brush and enjoying the sharp zesty freshness of the aftertaste. That signature toothpaste taste of course, as we all know, is due to the presence of menthol. More than 25 species belong to ...


...growing conditions, plants shipped around the world or facing climate induced disasters, geopolitical disasters or diseases. We worked out CO2 emissions vs growing the botanicals locally and the electricity required and started on a mission for net zero carbon emissions. In early 2022 a plant scientist, agronom

SFHE February 2016 UpdateFebruary 15, 2016

Click the new brochure to open SANGANERIA FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH AND EDUCATION (SFHE) are pleased to bring you an updated profile of today’s work and projects within our communities with the introduction of our latest brochure. Read more about our mission, vision and values along with enhance details of our many ...

ULTRA VALUESOctober 26, 2020

Lisa Piccininni On Her Journey In Essential Oils Lisa Piccininni General Manager, Ultra International Inc In a new series of interviews showcased through the Ultra Market Report, key members of the global Ultra team discuss their journey and experiences in the essential oils business along with the skills and expertise they picked up along the way. In this issue, ...