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Spreading Our Wings Around The WorldSeptember 08, 2021

Ultra’s new strategic partners JAPAN BONDS: HOZUMI TAMURA The Ultra Group has joined hands with Mr Hozumi Tamura in Japan. In order to service the Asian markets better, Mr. Tamura will be our exclusive strategic and marketing partner in Japan. He will support and implement a business development strategy in Japan and South East Asia. We shall also liaise with ...

Vanilla NewsOctober 31, 2021

...of Madagascar exports in mid-September saw the government imposing a fixed minimum export price of US$ 250/kg, which was substantially higher than ruling world market prices. This created some uncertainty in the market as some competing origins set prices at too high a ...

Spanish Lemon 2017/18 SeasonDecember 20, 2017

We’ve been busy in Murcia, the heart of the Spanish lemon industry and as always we wish to share with you some facts along with our opinion of today’s market conditions (see below market report). We invite you to watch our latest video highlighting some of the main features of how your lemons are collected, packed for the fresh fruit market or chosen ...

Global Orange Market Post IrmaOctober 23, 2017

...around 8 months of production! As the Brazil season starts to churn out more oil during the last quarter of 2017, it does so with a huge backlog of orders to fulfil from last season. Pipelines are dry as are orange oil stocks around the world. Since Irma struck Florida, sales and enquiries have rocketed as many buyers look to cover requirements with prices almost ...

Lime Oil Distilled (Key)MexicoCitrus aurantifolia

Lime Oil Distilled (Key)
Lime oil is extracted from Citrus aurantifolia (also known as Citrus medica var. acida) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as Mexican and West Indian lime, as well as sour lime. Originally from Asia, it is now cultivated in many warm countries, especially the West Indies, Southern Europe, India and the Americas. Key limes are smaller and seedier to Persian limes, which are more common ...