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Indonesian Updates May 2016May 20, 2016

It’s all go go go in Indonesia at the minute. Thankfully the main exported products in Clove, Patchouli and Citronella are all stable which is great for the market! Unfortunately the same can’t be said for some other items like Nutmeg, Cananga and Vetiver so we’re bringing you this brief update to keep you informed!...

Parsley Herb OilEgyptPetroselinum crispum

Parsley Herb Oil
Parsley leaf (herb) essential oil is extracted from the plant Petroselinum crispum. Native to the Mediterranean it is also common to find in many gardens worldwide with its primary use as a culinary herb. The oil itself has a bitter note which is somewhat different to the fresh odour of the leaves. In Egypt the soil is prepared in late summer and the seeds planted in September. The plant ...

Rosalina Oil AustraliaMelaleuca ericifolia

Rosalina Oil
Also known as Lavender Tea Tree, Rosalina is part of the Australian Melaleuca family. Originally referred to as ‘Swap Paperbark’, Melaleuca ericifolia is a small tree growing to 7-9 metres with narrow leaves. It also has identifiable 3cm cream  bottlebrush flowers appearing  during the spring and summer.  Rosalina has existed in the aromatherapy markets for around 20 years, having ...

Lavender Oil SpikeSpainLavendula latifolia

Lavender Oil Spike
Spike lavender, Lavandula latifolia is commonly grown in the southern Mediterranean countries of Spain, Portugal and Italy, with Spain the dominant oil producer. The plant itself grows at lower altitudes to that of other lavender species and has a higher oil yield (sometimes 3 times higher). Typically these two factors result in this essential oil being cheaper than other sources. The plant ...

Lime Oil Distilled (Key)IndiaCitrus aurantifolia

Lime Oil Distilled (Key)
Lime oil is extracted from Citrus aurantifolia (also known as Citrus medica var. acida) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as Mexican and West Indian lime, as well as sour lime. Originally from Asia, it is now cultivated in many warm countries, especially the West Indies, Southern Europe, India and the Americas. Key limes are smaller and seedier to Persian limes, which are more common ...

SFHE 2015/16 UpdatesNovember 30, 2015

The SANGANERIA FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH AND EDUCATION (SFHE) are pleased to bring you an updated profile of today’s work and projects within our communities. SFHE works with some of the most vulnerable and relegated communities across India, with an intention to ...

Cedar Leaf OilCanadaThuja occidentalis

Cedar Leaf Oil
Cedar leaf oil comes from a genus of trees known as Thuja, which includes coniferous cedar trees. The name comes from the Greek word “Thuo” which means “to sacrifice.” The wood was burned as part of sacrifices to the gods. Native Americans still use its smoke to lift prayers to God. Cedar Leaf Oil contains a potent neurotoxic substance called Thujone. Canadian cedar is conifer native to the ...

Website UpdatesAugust 14, 2015

Thank you for visiting our website. It’s been just over one month since our launch and we couldn’t be more pleased with the uptake from the market. Over 2,000 new visitors have spent time reviewing details about our company, reading our market reports and receiving our prices and positions electronically. ...

Indian Agency AnnouncedFebruary 01, 2015

We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Karnataka Aromas as our exclusive distributor for our essential oils portfolio in the Indian market. Karnataka Aromas owns a 45,000 square feet warehousing facility, located centrally within the Bangalore city limits. This not only makes local dispatches easy, but also ensures quick access to all out-station bookings ...