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Market Report Summer 2018May 29, 2018

TAKE US EVERYWHERE!! Welcome to our new Summer Market Report 2018 featuring over 110 essential oils from 25 countries analysed and reported on, many with in-depth analysis! In addition our download version is packed full of additional articles including Does fragrance have a soul?, Sri Lanka : The spice island, ...

MARKET REPORT -AUTUMN 2019September 30, 2019

1929 – 2019 Almost a century and we are just getting started Oils and all their essentials Browse and discover all the latest on over 115 key essential oils from 25 growing regions around the world. The Ultra Autumn Market Report is a special addition as it contains the story of our 90 year legacy. In addition, our um, rosemary, and Eucalyptus radiata. Following an excellent lunch ...

MARKET REPORT -SUMMER 2019July 01, 2019

SUMMER FRESH! Welcome to the Summer edition of Ultra’s Market Report! Browse and discover all the latest on over 92 key essential oils from 20 growing regions around the world. In addition, our download version is packed full of additional articles including: The Tradition that is Grasse: An Account of the History ...

Australian Road TripSeptember 17, 2015 a desert type of tree native to Australia and found predominantly in the middle and southern parts of Western Australia. Since the late 1990s many long-term plantations have been established covering around 15,000 hectares. Plantings are set to continue at 1-2,000 hectares per annum. These will be harvested when ...

Citrus – GOOD for obesity?September 04, 2016

There hasn’t been much in the way of good news for orange recently with global demand declining amidst health warnings that too much natural sugar (fructose) is bad for us. Well thanks to another medical report those warnings may be heeded with the news that now oranges and other citrus fruits can help with the fight against obesity and indirectly diabetes. A ...

Market Report Spring 2018March 28, 2018

TAKE US EVERYWHERE!! Welcome to our new Spring Market Report 2018 featuring over 100 essential oils! In addition our download version is packed full of additional articles including Vanilla from Madagascar, Hinoki Oil and nature’s aromatic treasures from Indonesia. DIGITAL version available. Click to

MARKET REPORT-SPRING 2020March 18, 2020

Over 100 products from more than 20 countries analysed and reported on, many with in-depth analysis. The report is also packed with additional articles related to The Rising Naturals in Australia, The exciting Study Tour of Sulawesi conducted by Van Aroma, An Elementary section on Lemon Scented Tea Tree Oil and The many facets of Vegetable Oils. Stay tuned for our ...

Market Report Autumn 2020September 28, 2020

COME SEPTEMBER! We are pleased to present the latest Autumn edition of the Ultra Market Report. Over 98 products from more than 25 countries analysed with in- depth analysis included for many products. This is a very special report as it highlights the experiences of key members of the Ultra Group who have contributed ...