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Bringing the Industry TogetherMay 21, 2021

IFEAT’s First Virtual Conference 19th – 21st January 2021 Over the past 40 years IFEAT and its conferences have been an intrinsic part of the Ultra Group’s development, and one of the highlights of our year. Who can forget IFEAT’s last conference in Bali in October 2019, where Ravi was Joint Conference Chairperson. In a wonderful location in ...

Tea Tree OilNovember 01, 2014 measured by the ISO standard 4730, where 15 common peaks are identified. The main component is terpinen-4-ol, which is responsible for the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. However on its own it does not have the same benefit. It is thought that the ...


...climate change discussions. This role will continue in 2022, when Indonesia holds the G20 presidency, and in 2023 when it chairs ASEAN. Substantial commitments were made in Glasgow to substantially reduce Indonesia’s carbon emissions but the implementation of companies has been relentless in its commitment towards adopting sustainable business practices across the globe. Acknowledging our work, EcoVadis, one of the most reputed universal sustainability ratings providers ...

Launching a Global Perfumery CompetitionJune 16, 2023

The BSP is celebrating its 60th Anniversary, launching a global perfumery competition! The British Society of Perfumers, in collaboration with Ultra would like to invite perfumers all over the world to invent a fragrance that incorporates the unique and captivating scent of Patchouli. Access the e-brochure with full ...

Vanilla, A Complex IngredientMarch 07, 2018

Photo credit : Steve Caiger Photo credit : Steve Caiger Photo credit : Steve Caiger Containing over 250 flavour compounds, natural vanilla is by far one of the most popular flavouring agents. It is estimated that 18,000 global products are flavoured with vanilla. Naturally, it Companies, Van Aroma and Golden Grove Naturals, was kept busy with visitors keen to explore products ...