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...adhere to these standards. “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson, founder of the environmental movement in the 1960s, appealed to readers to use pesticides with care, and act as stewards of a living earth. Her message of sharing responsibilities of stewardship is still at the heart of the organic philosophy. This includes the protection of natural ...

The Unexplored Might of MintJanuary 09, 2022

Every toddler-parent faces it. It’s something that we all have done secretly at some point. It’s what we sometimes as adults do too – licking toothpaste off our brush and enjoying the sharp zesty freshness of the aftertaste. That signature toothpaste taste of course, as we all know, is due to the presence of menthol. More than 25 species belong to ...

CSIR – CIMAP HonourApril 18, 2017

...quote of Louis Pasteur to the audience of this institute. “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence.” In today’s ...

Organic Essential Oil CompendiumNovember 05, 2020

We are pleased to present the Ibook version of our Organic Essential oil Compendium. The continuous quest to find genuine organic oils with low pesticide content while being sustainable enabled us to launch Ultra Organics. The growing demand for organic pure and natural essential oils from food, aromatherapy, cosmetics ...

Market ReportDecember 23, 2021

JOY TO THE WORLD! Welcome to the Winter edition of Ultra’s Market Report! Browse and discover all the latest essential oils from growing regions around the world. In addition, our download version is packed full of additional articles including: The IFEAT Online Conference 9-10th November 2021; Naturals from ...

Lavender Oil SpikeSpainLavendula latifolia

Lavender Oil Spike
Spike lavender, Lavandula latifolia is commonly grown in the southern Mediterranean countries of Spain, Portugal and Italy, with Spain the dominant oil producer. The plant itself grows at lower altitudes to that of other lavender species and has a higher oil yield (sometimes 3 times higher). Typically these two factors result in this essential oil being cheaper than other sources. The plant ...

Lime Oil Distilled (Key)MexicoCitrus aurantifolia

Lime Oil Distilled (Key)
Lime oil is extracted from Citrus aurantifolia (also known as Citrus medica var. acida) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as Mexican and West Indian lime, as well as sour lime. Originally from Asia, it is now cultivated in many warm countries, especially the West Indies, Southern Europe, India and the Americas. Key limes are smaller and seedier to Persian limes, which are more common ...

Parsley Herb OilEgyptPetroselinum crispum

Parsley Herb Oil
Parsley leaf (herb) essential oil is extracted from the plant Petroselinum crispum. Native to the Mediterranean it is also common to find in many gardens worldwide with its primary use as a culinary herb. The oil itself has a bitter note which is somewhat different to the fresh odour of the leaves. In Egypt the soil is prepared in late summer and the seeds planted in September. The plant ...