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Lemon Myrtle OilAustraliaBackhousia citriodora

Lemon Myrtle Oil
Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil – Backhousia citriodora – is processed from the Lemon Myrtle tree, The highly aromatic Lemon Myrtle oil is steam distilled from the glassy bright green leaves, exuding a strong lemon note which extends a freshness and lemon scented astringent aroma. This oil has a high percentage of citral – 90-97% This oil is well known for its fresh, strong ...

Sandalwood Nut OilAustraliaFusanus Spicatus Kernel Oil

Sandalwood Nut Oil
Derived from the sandalwood tree, Santalum spicatum (West Australian Sandalwood) this new oil is causing quiet a stir! Historically the sandalwood trees have been harvested for their wood value but now the tree nuts have delivered us with an interesting new oil, ‘Sandalwood Nut Oil’ and with tens of thousands of hectares of plantations already starting to mature, sustainability is ...

Blue Cypress Oil AustraliaCallitris intratropica

Blue Cypress Oil
Blue Cypress (Callitris intratropica) is a tree native to Australia growing in the Northern Territory. The tree grows freely in nature and is wild-harvested to produce the oil, under a well- managed sustainability scheme imposed by the state government. The tree itself grows anything from 10-40 metres in height and in remote parts can live up to 200 years. Blue Cypress oil is steam distilled ...

Sandalwood Oil WAAustraliaSantalum spicatum

Sandalwood Oil WA
There are over 80 different species in the Santalum genus but only two are predominantly used commercially in today’s global markets – Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) and West Australian (WA) sandalwood (Santalum spicatum).   Currently both species account for around 90% of the world’s traded sandalwood but in recent times have both faced supply problems due to over ...

Kunzea OilAustraliaKunzea ambigua

Kunzea Oil
Native to Tasmania and its surrounding islands, Kunzea essential oil is derived by steam distillation from the terminal branches of Kunzea ambigua and is a member of the Myrtaceae family. The plant goes by the names “White Cloud” or “White Kunzea”. It is a large shrub growing 3-5 metres in height. It flowers in the spring, which in these parts is from late August until December. The oil has ...

Market Report Spring 2017April 28, 2017

Welcome to our new Spring Market Report covering over 100 products from around the world. Here you can scroll around our website, taking in additional product data and crop information as you go but don’t forget to print (top left button) as here you can download your personal digital copy packed full of additional information from South Africa, Bulgaria and ...

Fennel Oil SweetAustraliaFoeniculum vulgare

Fennel Oil Sweet
Fennel essential oil is steam distilled from the crushed seeds of Foeniculum vulgare. The leafy herb is native to regions of southern Europe and Asia Minor, but it has since naturalized in locations around the world. Fennel has a rich aroma reminiscent of anise, which gives Fennel oil its liquorice-like scent. Although the seeds and oil are used in flavouring, fennel’s complex aroma has also ...

Parsley Herb OilAustraliaPetroselenum crispum

Parsley Herb Oil
Parsley Herb oil is colourless to pale yellow volatile oil with spicy, warm but fresh woody, herbaceous odour. This essential oil is steam distilled from the freshly chopped herbs of Petroselenum crispum. Parsley reaches only 1 to 2 feet in height before flowering and thrives best in areas with partial shade. There are two common types of parsley: Italian parsley, also known as ‘Flat-leaf ...