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Manuka OilNew ZealandLeptospermum scoparium

Manuka Oil
New Zealand Manuka is a shrub that can grow in the wild as high as 8 metres tall. Known as Manuka it can also be referred to as Red Manuka or Kahikatoa locally. The botanical name is Leptospermum scoparium. Many mistake Manuka for Kanuka, as Kanuka can be known as White Manuka. However this is Kunzea ericoides another product offered growing in Tasmania, Australia. The oil is extracted from ...

Eucalyptus OilChinaEucalyptus globulus

Eucalyptus Oil
Many associate Australia with eucalyptus oil due to their close association with traditions and of course the ever-loved Koala. However on a commercial scale, it is China that exports most around the world, in particular the industry standard Eucalyptus globulus (containing 80% cineole). The quality of eucalyptus can be measured by its cineole content. Some species yield cineole levels above ...

Market Report – Winter 2020December 21, 2020

WINTER WONDERLAND! Over 110 products from 25 countries analysed and reported on many with in-depth analysis. The report is also packed with additional articles : The Ultra Group’s Organic Quest, British Essential Oils, Essential Oils In The Kitchen and special feature on Rosemary Essential Oil. Digital version available. Click to DOWNLOAD and save it to your ...