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Aromatherapy Past & PresentJanuary 06, 2017

...and programmes range from a one-hour online to live year-long programmes of 425 hours. Practitioners are trained online or in live classes in everything from a one hour hand massage to full 425 hour programme including aromatic medicine treating serious illness. Several attempts have been made to organise therapists resulting in two active organisations, namely ...

Global Lemon Oil Update Summer 2017August 03, 2017

There’s a lot of information to process at the moment when it comes to the global lemon market. Argentina’s performance is usually key to how the oil markets balance, so when it sneezes everyone else catches a cold. There have been problems in South Africa and Italy but Spain has recorded a good season but ...

Perfumery: The technical matrixJune 10, 2024

...enabled with scent capsules. The device was paired with an app and, depending on the video being played, scents were emitted, delivering a visual and sensory experience for the customer. Germany produced one of the most viable solutions to digital perfumes. A lab recorded the molecular wavelengths of a perfume and used nearinfrared spectroscopy to craft a digital ...

It Smells Like Rain – by Dr Hanns Froehlich PhDMay 15, 2024

Everyone knows it, the “smell of rain”, when the first raindrops fall on the ground after a long dry spell. But how does this remarkable smell come about? As soon as the first raindrops fall on the ground, you can already smell it in your nose – the earthy, fresh, and slightly damp “scent of ...

Market Report – Spring 2023April 17, 2023

READY FOR ADVENTURE! Welcome to the Spring edition of Ultra’s Market Report! Browse and discover all the latest essential oils from growing regions around the world. In addition, our download version is packed with additional articles including an exciting adventure at IFEAT’s 12th Study Tour to South Africa and also the preparation for our journey to ...

Australian Road TripSeptember 17, 2015

...its way into many new applications – and why not? There are many body care and personal care products in the market combining the odour and benefits of lavender and tea tree, yet this special oil offers both the linalool and 1,8 cineole components that highlight ...

MARKET REPORT SPRING 2024April 30, 2024

POETRY IN A BOTTLE! Welcome to the Spring edition of Ultra’s Market Report! Browse and discover all the latest essential oils from growing regions around the world. In addition, our download version is packed with additional articles including fragrance trends for customers seeking sustainable solutions. Also featuring an article by an Ultra team member ...

Florida Citrus History & Market ReportNovember 22, 2015

...stage of development, marked by a reduction in acreage and production. The decline of citrus in Florida stems from increased commercial and residential land development in the Sunshine State. As Florida’s population increased steadily following World War Two, the amount of land dedicated to citrus cultivation ...

Market ReportJuly 19, 2022

SOAK UP THE SUN! Welcome to the Summer edition of Ultra’s Market Report! Browse and discover all the latest essential oils from growing regions worldwide. In addition, our download version is packed full of additional articles including – The Expansion and Resilience of Australian Essential Oils; Atelier Ultra- A new Creative Center in Chertsey UK; The ...