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Turmeric Oil CO2IndiaCurcuma longa

Turmeric Oil CO2
Turmeric Oil (CO2) is obtained by supercritical extraction using natural pure carbon dioxide. The oil is 100 % pure and natural, obtained from curcuma longa roots. Curcuma longa is part of the botanical family Zingiberaceae. All parts growing in the earth can be used as one of nature‘s most powerful healers. This product can be used in all kinds of cosmetic formulations, including skin care ...

Rosemary OilMoroccoRosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil is extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis, originally from Asia, but now cultivated in Mediterranean countries, in particular Spain (30-35 tonnes), Morocco (30 tonnes) and Tunisia (70 tonnes). Rosemary has tiny pale blue blossoms from December through spring, and it can grow to close to 2 metres in height. During this time the plant is harvested and dried before ...

Blue Chamomile OilNepalMatricaria chamomilla (L.)

Blue Chamomile Oil
Chamomile is native to Europe, northern and western Asia, and North Africa. This particular chamomile is the ‘German’ type Matricaria chamomilla (L.). It is high is azulene (also referred to as chamazulene) which gives this particular chamomile fantastic anti-inflammatory benefits. Matricaria chamomilla also contains Alpha Bisabolol, Bisabolol Oxide-A & B and Bisabolene Oxide-A. It is ...

Mandarin Oil YellowItalyCitrus reticulata

Mandarin Oil Yellow
Mandarin essential oil is extracted by cold expression from the peel of the mandarin fruit and is a member of the orange family. It can be produced as yellow, green or red depending upon the origin, maturity or species of the fruit. It is also considered to be one of the safest citrus essential oils for using in flavouring, fragrances and aromatherapy. As the name suggests, mandarin plants ...

Tea Tree OilAustraliaMelaleuca alternifolia

Tea Tree Oil
Obtained by steam distillation from foliage and terminal branchlets of Melaleuca alternifolia. Tea tree grows in both New South Wales and Northern Queensland, almost entirely in modern day plantations. Some wild harvesting still occurs but this only contributes a small amount of the 650+ MT that Australia produces annually. The industry is well regulated and as the original producer of tea ...

Sandalwood Oil WAAustraliaSantalum spicatum

Sandalwood Oil WA
There are over 80 different species in the Santalum genus but only two are predominantly used commercially in today’s global markets – Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) and West Australian (WA) sandalwood (Santalum spicatum).   Currently both species account for around 90% of the world’s traded sandalwood but in recent times have both faced supply problems due to over ...

Ginger Oil CO2IndiaZingiber officinale

Ginger Oil CO2
This essential oil of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) produced by high-pressure extraction with natural carbon dioxide, with the spicy, warming and invigorating scent of ginger. However, Ginger CO2 is extracted in such a way that it also contains gingerols and shogaol, compounds that contribute to the sharp, pungent smell and taste of fresh ginger. The aroma of our Ginger CO2 extract is spicy ...