Mark Sewell May 31, 2022

Mark Sewell, CEO, Ultra International
A new asset of experience and expertise
Mark Sewell joins as Group CEO of Ultra International.
As a former public school student, Mark’s initial motivation was a well-paying respectable career in the City of London’s financial district. Though his foray into the essential oils space was an unconventional choice at the time, four decades on he has been an active participant in the ever-changing industry whilst being a regular at global forums such as IFEAT and a past arbitrator and board member of the IGPA (International General Produce Association).
Mark has spent over 40 years in the essential oils space, gathering a wealth of knowledge and experience, but what stands him apart is his commitment and loyalty to only two previous companies. He has spent his career in the essential oils industry, seeing it evolve, and growing with it.
Mark comes on board as the Ultra Group CEO with this promise of responsible and sustainable growth.
He ventured into the essential oils space in 1980 with Fuerst Day Lawson Ltd (FDL), trading essential oils, where Mark learnt the nuances of the business, gaining invaluable insight into the mechanics of the trade whilst interacting with companies all over the globe and spending considerable time in Southeast Asia.
It was during his early days at FDL that Mark was first introduced to the Ultra Group and Mr Sant Sanganeria. A 22-year stint with FDL as a director and Group Strategy board member aided Mark’s quest to hone his trading acumen. However, to move forward in the business he decided to take on a new challenge in 2003 when an industry veteran, Ungerer Ltd., offered Mark the opportunity to expand his career horizon with its global presence and unique dealings in all sectors of the industry, including raw materials (essential oils and aroma chemicals) along with flavour and fragrance compounds.
Mark’s role at Ungerer saw a technical shift in responsibilities with the production of essential oils, a stringent quality control protocol and a very different approach to the business. With his new skill set in place, underpinned by a wealth of industry knowledge, Mark ventured into the acquisition process as well as devising a strategy for the purchasing and sales of natural products and aroma chemicals which saw substantial year on year growth within the Ungerer Group of companies. A portfolio that started with trading saw constant upskilling with production, quality control, customer satisfaction, strategy and managerial responsibilities.
Fascinated by the Ultra Group’s rich heritage, history and competency, Mark is delighted to take on the Group CEO’s role: “As a family-run business, the decision-making process is quick, considered and efficient. I’ve seen an agility and assertiveness across the company, swiftly absorbing the pace of change within the industry and effectively managing the challenges presented. That said, the level of personal service is paramount and underpins the bespoke approach and unrivalled market intelligence given to both customers and suppliers alike. The attention to detail and considerable investment Ultra commits to source allows greater flexibility, transparency and traceability across the supply chain. The Ultra Group’s fresh and exciting approach has struck a chord with me and I am excited to be a part of their future development and continued growth.”
Whilst harnessing the company’s customer-centric approach and efficiencies, Mark has set his sights on expanding Ultra’s global operations starting with the newly established state of-the-art facility in Chertsey, UK ………..with more to come !