New Essential Oils August 23, 2015

We have been working on bringing even more new products to our website and are pleased to have recently published several new essential oil profiles for your reference.

Over the coming months we will continue to add more details to these and other products as well as reporting on their respective markets.<img class="alignright wp-image-936" src="×300.png" srcset="http://ultranl antabuse×300.png 218w, 522w” alt=”boyDesk” width=”109″ height=”150″ sizes=”(max-width: 218px) 100vw, 218px” />

Artemisia Taurica (Russia)
Basil Oil Holy (India)
Basil Oil Methyl Chavicol (Vietnam)
Davana Oil (India)
Rosemary Oil (Morocco)

Artemisia is a product which is currently being harvested. We will bring you more details on the new crop situation soon.